8 thoughts on “Carlos Tevez – City Superstar *HD*

  1. You have really beautiful pieces of video in all your films! High quality, same size (treated or coincidence?) And nice moves! And all under an Applying music. I have one question: how do you get those videos of the players? Downloaded? Yourself?

  2. Fantastic movie dude. Like the music just put so much emotion into it, seeing Rooney”s face right before be blast away his dreams…priceless.

    Tevez keep on livin the dream.

  3. Tevez is my favorite player!!
    I was watching West Ham and Mannchester United becouse teves..
    Now am follow Manchester City becouse Tevez

  4. Fuck Ronaldo, i’d take Tevez over that big blouse anyday.
    His work rate is the best, i’d say better than Essiens..

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